The Design Gives | After All

Chase A. Morris
Nov 25, 2020


A beautiful Japanese style bridge sits centered amongst the green bushes of a plush garden
Typeface: Chalkduster | Explore: GP7M+7F Seattle, Washington

Cipe Pineles (1908–1991) first autonomous woman art director of a mass-market American publication

Seeing it could be like the viewing of a wall
Hearing it could be a “delightful” conversation on a phone call
Smelling it could be like walking through the food court in a mall
Tasting it could be like homemade dal
Touching it could be like a cash withdrawal

The random plethora of could be/s
Could be the UX downfall

Discovering should be
Listening should be
Distinguishing should be
Absorbing should be
Proving should be

Should be the UX of it all

-Chase Morris

